Best book on dogs – must buy? “Chutki’s Experiences”,
Dear Friends, I have got 10 copies of a new book “Chutki’s Experiences”, written by A. Shamalatha from Bangalore, India. The reason for buying so many copies is that I…
Compassion is the only religion
Dear Friends, I have got 10 copies of a new book “Chutki’s Experiences”, written by A. Shamalatha from Bangalore, India. The reason for buying so many copies is that I…
{gallery}punecruelty{/gallery} Subject: Cruelty and Negligence leads to the death of innocence Respected Sir / Madam, I am Pratha Narang, a 19-year old girl living in Mumbai, seeking immediate help from…
{gallery}indianhachiko{/gallery} Dear All, Please read this touching story and help if you can. thanks – Madhu Story of my Indian female Hachiko…. Please help š Sohini 9818909320 I live in…
Dear Sentosa Management, We appreciate the fact that atleast you are responding to our criticism in a positive manner, however your justification of keeping dolphins in domestication and giving an…
{gallery}kakinada{/gallery} Kakinada Dog Carnage : —————————— Since the outbreak of rabies in Andhra Pradesh, the Kakinada Municipality began killing dogs by bringing squads to administer Strychnine. The Spate of Killings…
{gallery}gurgaonsoupkitchen{/gallery} Here is a story with some pictures about Nadir, a guardian angel for animals in Gurgaon. For the past 10+ years, Nadir and his team of boys (and wife…
Hello everyone, lots of people are posting dual comments on articles thinking that it isn’t getting published however the truth is that it IS getting published , its just pending…
{gallery}zoedalmatian{/gallery} hi, the injured dalmatian that was abandoned in the shelter has been adopted by the family who helped us in shifting her to another place…alisha,the girl who called me…
Please check your Junk mail box if you havent received a mail from us and mark us on your safe list. Thanks FinalStand Now Has news Letter, yes finally everyone…
From: <> Subject: {FIAPO} Animal news from Kerela.To: fiapo@googlegroups.comCc: urmilanayak@pfachandigarh.comDate: Thursday, 9 June, 2011, 14:05 Dear All,We are very happy to share with all of you that on the…