
Kakinada Dog Carnage :



Since the outbreak of rabies in Andhra Pradesh, the Kakinada Municipality began killing dogs by bringing squads to administer Strychnine. The Spate of Killings is supported by the local MLA and is still Continuing. In the W.P.No : 12104 of 2004 in honorable high court of Andhra Pradesh the municipality gave a sworn affidavit that they will follow Dogs rules and do ABC. Yet over the years on several occasions they killed dogs by the same method clandestinely in the nights and dumped the dogs on the beach against CRZ rules. With the recent spurt of rabies case and the media hype, the Municipal Corporation took advantage of the situation and started killings dogs from June2, 2011 and continues the killing spree at night. Their target seems to be 250 dogs every day.

The SPCA Kakinada has been in disarray for the last three years and there is nobody at present. The local activists have not been able to produce the desired basic evidence and with great difficult they are now providing evidence and data. It is complete eight days and no seriousness is being given to stop the killings. No advice is being followed.

The most horrifying reality is that the District Collector, who has ordered the Killings, is the President of the Kakinada SPCA. Which means that the head of an animal welfare organization has ordered the killing of innocent and healthy dogs. The SPCAs have been revived under the Supreme Court order and now the order issued by the Collector should be brought to the notice of the Supreme Court and he should be booked under the severest of punishments.

Inspite of the Govt. of A.P. – GO’s GOMS No 203 and GO RT No 677 of MA & UD issued on June 6,2011 the killings continues and in fact has increased. In every nook and corner of the city people are narrating how a squad came and poisoned their pets dogs and lifted the carcass in a tractor later.

The people responsible for the present annihilation of dogs are Satya Kumari I/c Mpl commissioner Rata Uma MHO with the active help of local MLA Dwarampudi Chandra Sekar Reddy.

The MLA’s goons are attacking the animal activists and threatening with dire consequences if they interfere with the carnage. The police are not booking any cases.

We want a thorough inquiry ordered by the court and filling of criminal charges on the above individuals.

From ABC INDIA we offered to vaccinate the dogs in Kakinada but they refused saying they would do it themselves. And also they had procured 3000 doses after Swamy Bhagwan Das met the Commissioner towards which she readily agreed and the programme began on May, 27,2011. But the fact is they had a sinister plan to allow the rules process the killings would be done from another end.

Mrs. Jayshree Sarathy Advocate A.P. High Court filing a PIL tomorrow against the commissioner municipality. Apart from this Durga Prasad and another High Court Advocate is filing a PILl against the Chief Secretary, District Collector, R.D.O., M.L.A., Spandana. Due to the fear in animal activists in Kakinada the materials were not supplied in time for which I pursued a week ago. However, they seem to get some evidence and based on them she will proceed.

There is complete blackout in Kakinada town. The police will not file case. The SP of Police has just taken charge and he is on leave.

The newspaper will not publish these clandestine killings but dog bites only. Wherever they decide to kill the dogs the electricity is switched off.

Peoples are being instigated to attack animal lovers. Animal activists are surrounded by goondas until the killings are done. If anyone follows the vehicle with dead dogs, they are being beaten. One of the trainee medicos arm was broken. He is hospitalized. When they approached to complaint to the police there also they were equally insulted and the complaint letter was torn. The medicos parents were warned by phone that there children should not interfere. The M.L.A has guaranteed the safety to The Municipal Commissioner who is a lady with Postgraduate but not as I.A.S Officer. The M.H.O moves in a car following the injectors and if anyone steps in to protest around 100 henchmen arrives within seconds.

Spandana Praja Health Samrakshana Sangam:-

It has been proved that the killings by injections are being done by this group based in Nellore. Having adopted this method since ten years now graduating from shooting with country made gums given to them by the government for self defense – They are now in huge demand to kill dogs by injections. They are sending applications to all areas in the name of eradicating “mad – dogs”. They are tribal people who also are entrusted to catch and shift monkeys.

District Collector and R.D.O’s letter:-

While the notice mentions that mad-dog be removed yet all the dogs are being injected. Clear violations as the people engaged are killers

Kind Attn :
1) Hon’ble Minister Mr. Jairam Ramesh
2) Mr. Anjani Kumar,
3) Maj Gen R.M. Kharb,
We are appalled by the mass culling of dogs in Kakinada for the last 3 months or more. I am attaching the relevant documents which we have been recieving from animal people there whose lives are also under constant threats from the local goons. This culling is happening because of unlawful and tyrannical orders passed by the Collector.
This is violation of many laws of the land including contempt of Apex Court. Please find attached documents received as evidence and proof of this carnage. These orders issued are illegal and AWBI and MoEF have already got many emails on the subject. The killing orders issued by the Collector are misinterpretation of the law. The reason being that the Article 21 of the constitution clearly states that it can be applied to conditions except Article 19. Please read extracts from the constitution (below), esp the ones which I have highlighted. It is clear violation of fundamenatal rights and the directive principles. Also the municipal acts quoted have been held null and void after the Apex court granted a stay against them in 2009. Most importantly any matter before the Apex court is sub judice and NOONE has the power to take a decision on that. Especially after the Apex court has stayed against destruction of all including “nuisance” dogs. In such a helpless situation it is imperative that AWBI and MoEF issue strict orders to the state to stop this, which we have been assured many time is happening. Yet these people continue to kill the dogs.
So is AWBI and MoEF going to sit quiet on this ?
We the people of this country appeal to the Hon’ble Minister to ask his office to move the Apex court special vacation bench for contempt or an immediate judicial enquiry against these culprits and get the killings stopped.
Please find attched documents submitted by the local animal organisations working there.
We hopw AWBI and MoEF will take swift action on this in the legal direction.
About more than 3000 dogs have already lost there lives and thus there is no time for speculations.
Thanking you
Sincerely your

Rishi Dev,

Citizens For Animal Rights (CFAR),
New Delhi.

Article 51A of the Indian Constitution . . .
” It shall be the duty of every citizen of India . . . to have compassion for all living creatures . . . “

Enclosure :
1) Extracts from Article 21 As stated above
2) one of the many emails of local SPCA
3) Documents
Encl # 1 :
Article 21
The Constitution of India provides Fundamental Rights under Chapter III. These rights are guaranteed by the constitution. One of these rights is provided under article 21 which reads as follows:-
Article 21. Protection Of Life And Personal Liberty: No person shall be deprived of his life or personal liberty except according to procedure established by law.
Though the phraseology of Article 21 starts with negative word but the word No has been used in relation to the word deprived. The object of the fundamental right under Article 21 is to prevent encroachment upon personal liberty and deprivation of life except according to procedure established by law. It clearly means that this fundamental right has been provided against state only. If an act of private individual amounts to encroachment upon the personal liberty or
deprivation of life of other person. Such violation would not fall under the parameters set for the Article 21. in such a case the remedy for aggrieved person would be either under Article 226 of the constitution or under general law. But, where an act of private individual supported by the state infringes the personal liberty or life of another person, the act will certainly come under the ambit of Article 21. Article 21 of the Constitution deals with prevention of encroachment upon personal liberty or deprivation of life of a person.
The state cannot be defined in a restricted sense. It includes Government Departments, Legislature, Administration, Local Authorities exercising statutory powers and so on so forth, but it does not include non-statutory or private bodies having no statutory powers. For example: company, autonomous body and others. Therefore, the fundamental right guaranteed under Article 21 relates only to the acts of State or acts under the authority of the State which are not according to procedure
established by law. The main object of Article 21 is that before a person is deprived of his life or personal liberty by the State, the procedure established by law must be strictly followed. Right to Life means the right to lead meaningful, complete and dignified life. It does not have restricted meaning. It is something more than surviving or animal existence. The meaning of the word life cannot be narrowed down and it will be available not only to every citizen of the country . As far as Personal Liberty is concerned , it means freedom from physical restraint of the person by personal incarceration or otherwise and it includes all the varieties of rights other than those provided under Article 19 of the Constitution. Procedure established by Law means the law enacted by the State. Deprived has also wide range of meaning under the Constitution. These ingredients are the soul of this provision. The fundamental right under Article 21 is one of the most important rights provided under the Constitution which has been described as heart of fundamental rights by the Apex Court.
The scope of Article 21 was a bit narrow till 50s as it was held by the Apex Court in Gopalans casethat the contents and subject matter of Article 21 and 19 (1) (d) are not identical and they proceed on total principles. In this case the word deprivation was construed in a narrow sense and it was held that the deprivation does not restrict upon the right to move freely which came under Article 19 (1) (d). at that time Gopalans case was the leading case in respect of Article 21 along with some other Articles of the Constitution,

Encl # 2 :

On Wed, Jun 15, 2011 at 6:10 PM, Pradeep Nath <vspcadeep@yahoo.co.in> wrote:

Dear All,

Please find attached the report and all the contact details that will help in either writing or speaking to the concerned officials.

At Nellore one of the injectors were killed by the slum dwellers whose area dogs were being targeted.

Today afternoon news claim a 60 year old lady at Rajahmundry area is affected with Rabies and the doctors are not willing to treat the patient either.

Overall AP is under a crisis and the lives of millions of dogs are in danger.

At Kakinada most of the dogs at the main roads have been wiped off . The pet dogs at the slum areas were forcibly injected with the order from The Collector acting as an excuse for them.

Will it be possible for AWBI to intervene legally and otherwise with the SC judgment in the dog’s favor ?

Kind regards.
Pradeep Kumar Nath,
Founder / President,
Visakha Society for Protection and Care of Animals
Member, AP State Animal Welfare Board,
Co-opted Member Animal Welfare Board of India, Chennai.
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By pegasus

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