
Here is a story with some pictures about Nadir, a guardian angel for animals in Gurgaon. For the past 10+ years, Nadir and his team of boys (and wife :)) have been feeding and caring for stray dogs. Nadir has agreed to extend the scope of this rescue work to long neglected Sohna Road and the nearby areas as well. However, this is not easy work and we could do a lot by extending our support to Nadir. Would request you all to come forward and donate in cash and kind towards this program.

Some of the things constantly needed are – medicines like neomec, citrizine, septran, frontline spray and top-on, DNS, LR, NS, dextrose, antibiotics, syringes, etc.; dog food; dog beds; coats; etc. You can also be in touch with us to know any specific requirements for Nadir. We would also encourage Gurgaon based people to come forward and volunteer with the work. Volunteering would entail spending a few hours in the morning to get the food together and to go and distribute the food. You can opt to spend a morning each week or a morning every two weeks to do this work. But we need consistent dedicated volunteers.

You can make your donations directly to Nadir, through our website (www.DogsNeedHelp.com) or via our sister NGO ‘Bhaumik Pashu Seva Samiti’. You can be in touch with Nadir at Khannadir2000@yahoo.com

Attached are some pictures and updates of Gurgaon Soup Kitchen:

I have titled the pictures to give you a small description.

Best, Smita — Smita Joshi www.dogsneedhelp.com

By pegasus

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