Dear Delhi Aaj Tak Programme Team

It was shocking to see a very propagandist, misinformed and eccentrically structured ‘Dog Scare’ programme on your DELHI AAJ TAK channel 630 pm to 7 pm today.
We put before you the following objections which a responsible TV Channel should be knowledgeable and cautious about. Having access to visual media suggests that you have access to the minds and vulnerabilities of a very huge population which should ensure that whatever a TV Channel  telecasts should be well researched and empirically testified. It should not spread violence, should not whip unreasonable violence and fear, and lastly responsible journalism demands that programmes should not have a political agenda but disseminate the right  and impartial information in accordance with the Constitution (Art. 51 of the Constitution) and cultural norms ( no Indian religion preaches unnecessary killing) of the society.
The objections are as follows:
1. The programme showed problems of dog bite , statistics was completely framed and contestable.
2. The show emphasized that the bite of the dog will give you a horrendous death. The dog carries rabies which would mean enormous suffering and cost if he bites as 14 injections are very expensive. One out of 1000 dogs carry rabies, don’t you know this? and without knowing you telecast shows.Even some human beings carry rabies..cows, monkeys etc all animals.
3.You brought one RWA person who spoke out ill founded and illogical arguments, each personalized and acidic as if his life mission is to eliminate all dogs from the face of earth. Such people are dangerous and how could you use such a person to instill violence and scare of this high proportion?If you still feel that such people should have a voice then don’t you think that the other side of the story should also be presented to balance thoughts and impact on minds.
4.The boy who was repeatedly telecast actually narrated his plight and injury due to being hit by a window iron pane when dogs were chasing him. He also said it was 1130 night. What is the guarantee that he was not a ‘rahjanee’ street thief that dogs hate and make their life mission to save their colony from such threat-ful people.
5. Should  such a TV channel which has no idea of the problem which it is so much in haste to telecast should actually not be legally responsible for its hasteful dissemination of unreasonable scare in society.The show was not 3-5 mins but a full 30 mins show.
We request you to empirically design shows or just stick to dhaba and baraat shows of politicians for your TV Channel. Programmes which have serious relationship to developments in the city which demand knowledge about  the  loss of land space and increasing densities of humans and animals( even though the total number of all animals has been reducing) should not be telecast. They whip emotions and lead to an unnecessary killing of speechless,human friendly animals who are not responsible for what they are being accused for as human beings do not ever stop from occupying their land.
Request you to post a counternote on your TV against this programme immediately. If riots against dogs are instigated and we land into a Meerut like situation where people were instigated by some fundamentalist people and people enjoyed a festival of brutal blood bath of dog killing for a week. Have you one such plan. In that case we, the people of this country are also ready to drive you to the court in the same manner ……..and much more against such an awfully disastrous programme!
e!Inline image 1
and a 3000 plus
Walk for Animal & Habitat 
Gurgaon (Redg.DR/GGN/380) and Delhi


Dear all

Thanks for your support and letters to the DELHI AAJ TAK emails sent to you against the anti-dog  programme, lobbying to get them killed. WAH takes this moment to express special thanks to Sonya Ghosh who took time out that evening to go across to the CEO of the TV programme and forced him to pull it off the air.
However, just to share that such moments may keep on coming repeatedly to animal lovers as the anti-dog lobby which was laggard in the past is mobilizing very strongly across the country. With the cattle and goats becoming more expensive and scarce, the shoe and garmet companies are eyeing on Indian stray dogs. In any case the lobby is the strongest in Mumbai and gradually picking up in Bangalore with Saudi dollars floating across, raising living standards of those who have no vision of progress and advancement- breathing- a once in their lifetime phenomenon of bank balance community!
Next time such a reporting is seen please report to the TV BROADCASTING AUTHORITY OF INDIA, and we should be prepared to join hands , pool expenses to fight tooth and nail in the Court against such people trying to change laws and undoing years of brilliant efforts made by Maneka Gandhi (primarily) and later by Anjali Sharma, Sonya Ghosh and others .
As long as we are together noone can touch our animals.
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Walk for Animal & Habitat 
Gurgaon (Redg.DR/GGN/380)

By pegasus

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