Indian Star Turtle rescued by Rajeev Jain (AWBI,WCCB), Fauna Police Officer/Co-opted member AWBIAbhinav Srihan with Delhi Police has been handed over to Delhi Zoo(as per courts order), the lady who claims to be an ex journalist says she purchased it from an aquarium shop,she’s facing a case for violation of WPA 1972.Others having Indian Ring Neck Parakeets,Alexanderine Parakeets (Indian Parrots- Hara Tota) or any other wildlife(Munia,Teetar,kachua) should take it as a warning and surrender their illegally kept pets to local forest department, there could be fine/ imprisonment upto 3 to 7 years or both (depending on the schedule of the species),Call Fauna Police for assistance 9212111116.
Abhinav Srihan