Wish of Sanjay Gandhi Animal Care Centre?
Dear Animal Lover Thirty years ago I started India’s first animal rescue centre and hospital. It was originally started for 200 animals. Over the years it has saved thousands of…
Compassion is the only religion
Dear Animal Lover Thirty years ago I started India’s first animal rescue centre and hospital. It was originally started for 200 animals. Over the years it has saved thousands of…
Hi there, My name is Smita Joshi and I am an animal lover and animal welfareworker from New Delhi, India.The following website has information onmy personal work: www.dogsneedhelp.com For the…
{gallery}bbmpbyelaws{/gallery} ———————————————————–xxxx——————————————- Dear friends, Please read the mail below & also check the attachment. I request u all , as responsible citizens of a democratic country, to write to the…
This campaign talk is from the Sawan Public School, Chatterpur, Delhi which is a fully residential boys school.Many boys came up on stage in the end to speak against the…
P.F.A 98188386278 2276502 Friendicoes Gurgaon Dr rajesh 9996904043
Today at 11 am on Mehrauli Gurgaon Road(MG Rd) WAH Volunteer saw six lean cows and five shriveled calves being taken on road in a hush hush manner. On interrogation…
Seems for all their false promises of Chennai being 90% sterilised, was nothing but a bunch of crap and lies. Just look at whats happening there, its terrible . —————————————–…
Someone left a message about this site. Its a nice site with a nice story about a dog called Buddha. have a look. http://www.bethebuddha.org/index.html
{gallery}htarticles251010{/gallery} hey guys..here is a nice article about how unwanted some dogs are…which is really sad ..and www.cwgdogs.in was mentioned in HT which is cool.
hi all ! found an interesting article in hindustan times on flying your pets. please forward !! http://www.hindustantimes.com/Have-pet-shall-travel/Article1-617033.aspx — Regards Shampa Dasgupta