Some very important point about Dogs and why they are needed
The American Veterinary Medical Association states that dogs that have been neutered are three times less likely to bite than dogs that have not been neutered. Also, in majority of…
Compassion is the only religion
The American Veterinary Medical Association states that dogs that have been neutered are three times less likely to bite than dogs that have not been neutered. Also, in majority of…
Dear Friends, AWBI has served a legal notice to BBMP following newspaper reports about their proposal to initiate mass culling of dogs in B’lore. To support this further, I request… Federation of Indian Animal Protection Organisations (FIAPO) The ConceptThe Federation of Indian Animal Protection Organisations (FIAPO) is holding the first India for Animals conference on January 29th-31st, 2011 in…
From: “Amit Chaudhery” <> Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2011 15:00:40 +0000 To: <>; AnjaliPratap<> ReplyTo: Cc: Kamal Vij<>; Anil Sharma<>; Pooja Bansal<> Subject: Re: Dadagiri Season 4 Thank you…
Dear all Some of us from WAH had been looking after 3 abandoned pups at Maulsari Arcade. They had grown bigger since the coming of winter in November and were…
{gallery}gurgaonleapordkill{/gallery} Gurgaon Leapord Killing 4th case in front of police and forest officials, everytime I think it cant get worse it does. This time the police and forest officials just…
{gallery}sheru{/gallery} There is this very old street dog in my colony called sheru, everyone loves the dog and the kids play with him. He must be 11 years old and…
I had a fun time reading this really funny article on PLease read the article here CLICK HERE TO SEE LINK I am also posting the article here ,…
{gallery}faridabaddogkilling{/gallery} A case of 4 people killing a pet dog because it barked at a cow. This pathetic world has no shame or morals. I am attaching the FIR and…
{gallery}ndaincident{/gallery} All details by Anjali Sharma have been updated. ———————————————— I have just spoken to the Deputy Cmdt of NDA and this news is entirely unfounded. There is no such…