
8 March 2011

Dear Friends,
You are aware of the heartrending barbarism perpetrated on dumb, despised dogs of Kashmir that have been butchered with sworn vengeance in an ongoing drive personally monitored by the Commissioner Srinagar Municipal Corporation Mr Shiekh Mushtaq. Fact remains this massacre comes even as NGOs and organisations like the AWBI have since the past five years been actively offering the Municipality expertise, financial support and required resource to help it control the dog population with humane and scientific means- but the authorities continued to steadfastly frustrate these efforts and would have none of this. Steps required to be taken for control of dog population was the reponsibility of administrators – not the dogs! Having miserably failed to take steps on the dog population front the Municipality has instead again applied killing as a quick-fix solution in a state long beset with death and destruction. This diversionary and deliberate tactic practised as a medieval response  aims at obfuscating the real long term scientific solutions for dog proliferation.
You have been laudably campaigning against this medievalism alongside other animal activists everywhere and law abiding citizens of Kashmir. Time to intensify that campaign. Sporadic photographic evidence was available up until now as the Municipal authorities and the Police had prevented our activists from photographing mass burial sites and 20 feet deep trenches dug up by them with excavator machines but we managed to get by stealth one of trenches dug up manually today morning around 6.30 am at great risk to those doing it. One of the photos shows freshly buried dog carcasses in hundreds and the other a huge pile of poisoned dogs waiting to be buried today. Our men couldn’t get the mass dog grave dug any further due to rains and slush and the fact that labourers refused to work in the emanating stench.
Is any more evidence of this unabated contravention and perpetual barbarism required, I wonder before the Central authorities are prompted step in to apply rule of law! Please mail your protest letters to :
Chief Minister J&K : gupkar@gmail.com
Chairman AWBI : rmkawbi@yahoo.co.in
Divisional Commissioner Kashmir : asgarsamoon@gmail.com,  divcomk@gmail.com
Municipal Commissioner Srinagar : iofficersmc@rediffmail.com, commissioner@smcsite.org
Thanks and Regards,

By pegasus

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