Dear Friends,

Most of you had rightly pointed out that the patent atrocity on the helpless dogs of Kashmir should ideally have been got covered by the media especially the electronic one so that the campaign to enforce humane alternative methods gained impetus. You will appreciate that there is a pressure cooker like situation in Kashmir. Polarisation between the government and the dissidents has just one ominous thing in common – the perceived right to commit atrocity on the stray dog? The gullible public at large has been goaded by the Municipal authorities into a xenophobic situation to believe that every next dog could be a biter and/or it is Rabid. The method madness is driven by a lure for the easy buck. In fact I have instituted and proved corruption and malfeasance charges in the State Vigilance Commission, against the officers dealing with containment of dog population (that they have regrettably been doing via the archival method of poisoning). Sadly no action has been taken for this misappropriation yet? The State that should have been upholding laws is the first party culpable in this open contravention of law. 

Under the circumstances and given the motivated apathy of officials on one hand and the hostility of vested interests on the other I did manage to reach out to various networks and news channels in Srinagar and brought around one of them viz CNN-IBN to do a news report with heartrending visuals on the grisly execution if you will and the magnitude of the dog killing in Kashmir over the last few days. The news report I was given to understand by the Kashmir Bureau Chief is slated to be aired at 8 am on 10 March and repeated thereafter. I know it sure is not going to be a pleasant sight for any avid animal lover but those of you who wanted to know of me what was going on do watch out for the report today. You can also log on to the CNN-IBN website and download the same.

Let us nail with this evidence those responsible for this abject barbarity and open, flagrant contravention of the law of the land, with determination and perseverance so that none  dare replicate this sordid episode – ever, anywhere.

Thanks and Regards,


By pegasus

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