To the Secretary,


Dear Sir/maam,

I am strangely amused and baffled at something. The BCCC feels that kissing (which is a sign of love and affection) needs to be censored but not animal cruelty? I am very liberal about most things and just not squeamish about violence or some amount of sexuality and I feel that there should be a particular hour on TV where such things should be allowed to show , uncensored eg 12 – 4 am or something on those lines but BCCC and IBF are so sensitive about such issues that they feel everything should be edited HOWEVER that does not seem to apply for masterchef Australia when it shows rampant cruelty towards animals.

I enjoy a good food related program as the next guy and have no issues with non veg or veg food, its a fact of life that meat is consumed by 85% of world population. Only India has 40% vegetarian population. I was watching masterchef Australia and on some 4 accounts I found something absolutely repulsive atleast as far as Indian sensitivity goes. Firstly I saw lobsters and crabs being boiled alive, them being shoved into boiling pans of water and those creatures trying to jump out of it while being boiled alive, how interesting? Then I saw live fishes picked right out of the sea being skinned and cut, then I saw crocodile meat being cooked and served and that was nothing compared to WAIT FOR IT……..LIVE octopus being beaten to death on a piece of rock by being hit on it constantly and consistently to make its meat soft but the point is IT WAS ALIVE when being pummelled on that piece of lifeless rock.

Something that maybe quintessentially acceptable to some cultures is completely repulsive to another and I must say that your sensitivity towards maybe a kissing scene and nothing against just rampant cruelty in a country where 40% of the population is not only just vegetarian but majority of Indians don’t accept such uncalled for cruelty, is very strange to say the least.

Anyways, I am doing my part and complaining about something I found very distressing and not just to me , my non vegetarian friends were equally flinching. Just because they like to eat lamb doesn’t mean they want to see it being killed cruelly and no Indian in their right mind would want an animal to be killed so cruelly just to be consumed or otherwise.

Anando Das Gupta

By pegasus

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