Mr. Rafi-ud-din Bukhari
The Rising Kashmir
F 7, Press Colony
Residency Road
Srinagar 190 001
Jammu & Kashmir
March 29th 2011
Subject : Malicious and Biased Reporting with the Intent to Incite Violence
This is in context of recent reports/articles in your publication. These are alarming and dangerous.They also violate every tenet of journalism. I would like to draw your attention specifically to the article published on March 27th titled “NC Man Becomes Animal Lover to Grab Rs 7 Cr Sterilization Project. Money Angle in JK’s Dilema over Dog Culling”. The article’s contents are attached in a Word document.
I hold no brief for Shri Javed Iqbal Shah (the “upstart” alluded to in your article) or the personages who run the Animal Welfare Board of India (who, according to you “personally intervene” to ensure Shri Shah gets “the project…”). While, the intent and expression of language are slanderous, it is for these parties to address the issue. 
I write as a fellow practitioner of the journalistic profession, who worked for The Scotsman, Voice of America,Los Angeles Times and NDTV, among others. I write without bias or rancour. My intent and motivation lie between ethical integral truth (something every professional journalist is sworn on) and the larger, more pertinent cause of those who are viciously and needlessly persecuted : the dogs of Srinagar. I hope you will view this communication on the premise I offer.
Confining myself to the “dog bogey” your publication is trying to create, basing my argument on the assumption that you understand free, fair and accurate journalism, the facts are :
1.Killing dogs or other feral animals is not only counter productive, it is a retrogade, condemnable step. This has repeatedly failed not only in India, but in all other countries : from Argentina to Turkey to Greece to Singapore. Alternatives to this barbaric measure lie in a systematic and transparent sterilization programme. Sterilization is a scientific, proven and universally acceptable solution to managing populations (including those of humans who unfortunately and inexplicably have no sterilization or culling programme yet, despite being overarchingly entitled to both). There are qualified, ethical people and NGOs who can undertake this exercise with measaurable, time-bound results.
2.It is a myth and a lie to claim that dogs attack people without provocation. Commonsense, experience and fact establish that unless mad or grossly threatened, no animal attacks  humans. Infact, the first response of community dogs is to run away.
3.The anonymous “expert” quoted by the article  is clearly anything but an “expert”. Cost of sterilization figures of “…between Rs 700 to 1000…(and)….other expenses” are illustrative of the corruption prevalent in the state. The actual costs, without people pocketing money, are half of what the “expert” professes. Interestingly, the “expert” claims that “even if it is successful, sterilization poses other dangers…” This establishes the fact that incapable and inpet people are entrusted with sterilization. Traumatizing innocent animals, wasting paid time, misleading the people and pocketing the taxpayer’s money. There is no reason on earth why sterilizations carried out per norm would be unsuccessful. The closing comment of your dubious “expert” makes for alarming reading : “…if an ill dog is sterilized, it is likely to become even more dangerous”. Could the “expert” let us know the ‘why’ and the ‘how’ of this nonsensical claim ? Why is this “expert” , quoted so prolifically and authoritatively,  not even once mentioned by name ? Does he exist or is your “expert” a ficticious character, subbing in the editorial backroom ? I suspect the latter.
It is sadly reflective of this sorry country that established mediums of public information, like newspapers, serve crooked agendas. They do not subscribe to fact, accuracy, fairplay, or objectivity ; yet cry hoarse in demanding these parameters in public posture. What is truly condemnable is the fact that publications like the one you edit, twist public opinion. And mad mullahs, armed with lies in “newspapers” drive evil agendas for fools, misinterpreting the Prophet’s words. Doesn’t Kashmir have enough woes, enough tears ? Why must you promote evil design to attract the curses of innocent animals ? If there be an omnipresent, omniscient god who has created all life, will that god be indifferent to such tortures ? Or have “newspapers” and corrput government functionaries also usurped the right of the god they invoke in public and private, to decide the right to life ? Questions of conscience, sir. Assuming shreds of it exist, even as integrity and professionalism take flight.
Amit Chaudhery

Journalist, Naturalist & Activist

President, People For Animals-Gurgaon

Ministry of Environment & Forests
Government of India
Nominee to IAECs

By pegasus

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