As you are all aware, FIAPO had convened two meetings in Delhi in order to startegise among Delhi activists about the action that we can take in order to support the Kashmir dog culling situation. Based on the understanding that we have developed of the situation, we have concluded that the most effective role that FIAPO can play in this situation is two fold:

1. In order to influence the Srinagar Municipal Corporation (SMC) and the Government of Jammu and Kashmir (GoJK) to institutionalize the dog control programme through an MoU with the ABWI, FIAPO is planning to stage a demonstration outside CM Omar Abdullah’s residence in Delhi on April 9. We need all of your support to get our message across.

The messaging in this demonstration will be positive, emphasizing the link between rabies prevention in Srinagar and aggressive ARV and ABC. It will try and underline a public health message and the steps that GoJK needs to take to ensure a safe city for its residents as well as animals.

Since the MoU is an important tool in the institutionalising of the ABC process and possibly also serving as an insurance against any future attempts against culling, a political push is what will most likely tip the scales.

Please save the date and join us to save the dogs of Kashmir. Please share this event with all of your contacts and networks and spread the word. The more people that attend, the greater the chances of getting our message heard. Please confirm your attendance by sending an email to

Venue: precise venue to be intimated.

Date: 9 April 2011 (Saturday); Time: 4:30 PM

For more information, please contact Faizan at 99100 70470 or Helen at 98103 88843 

2. FIAPO, in collaboration with the AWBI proposes to support the SMC to set up a sustainable, effective and humane programme to control the dog population within the Srinagar municipal limits. This programme would be in conformity with the legal framework outlined by the Prevention of Cruelty to Animal Act and accompanying rules. It will complement the AWBI team that is proposed to be deployed for the next few months in order to undertake high volume sterilization in Srinagar.

This facilitative role on part of FIAPO will entail the following:

a.       Identify animal welfare NGOs/individuals, other civil society players willing to participate in the effort of carrying out an ABC programme in Srinagar

b.       Facilitate a working relationship between the Srinagar Municipal Corporation and local animal welfare NGOs to meet programme objectives.

c.       Help the municipal authorities and animal welfare NGOs take stock of the dog and rabies situation in Kashmir in accordance with guidelines of the International Companion Animal Management Coalition (ICAM). Specifically, help in developing an estimate of the dog population.

d.       Help and facilitate  municipal authorities and NGOs set up sustainable systems whereby dogs are humanely caught, vaccinated and released back into their original territory

e.       Enable the development and execution of a public outreach and education strategy that would build ownership and public confidence in the programme.

f.         Source and organize trainings in skills such as dog-catching, vaccinations, ABC etc. (wherever necessary)

g.       Review the programme (periodically) , facilitate participatory monitoring of progress, make mid course changes, iron out difficulties and challenges in the course of implementation .  .

FIAPO looks forward to your support in these endeavours.


Arpan Sharma


Federation of Indian Animal Protection Organisations

By pegasus

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