For about a month I have been looking after and feeding a black puppy in Babur Lane next to Refugee Market near Bengali Market. When I first saw her she was just skin and bone and totally malnourished and underdeveloped. I took her to Friendicoes, got her the drip for three days, dewormed her gave her vitamins and slowly she picked up strength.
On Sunday evening I gave her milk at the DMS booth at Refugee Market and put a red collar on her. I could not go on Monday but when I went yesterday the guards said they had not seen her since that evening. She was not there when I went today either. Everyone says it was my mistake to put a collar on her since street kids may think she is pedigree, pick her up and then dump her. I am really heartbroken since she is tiny, fragile and not really able to look after herself and might have been dumped in some unknown place during Diwali.
Please put this out on the network and in case anyone sees, has seen, knows of a small, painfully thin, about 10 inches tall, black female pup with a red collar and adult teeth, to please let me know. I had one miracle when a pup picked up from CP was spotted in Kapasera and was rescued, I can only pray for another; or hope that some kind soul picked her up to rescue her. Sadly I deleted the only photo I had of her.
Best, Shenny

By pegasus

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