World-Renowned Thinker Richard Dawkins Would “Like Everybody to Be a Vegetarian”

“I do think it’s very important that we should campaign against cruel treatment of animals in farms and slaughterhouses. I have not the slightest doubt that they are cruelly treated and that’s terrible,” Dawkins continued.
Dawkins has been greatly influenced by Princeton philosopher Peter Singer, author of “Animal Liberation” and widely regarded as the founder of the animal rights movement. Dawkins even interviewed Singer for an award-winning British documentary series.
“I actually suspect that in 100 or 200 years’ time we may look back on the way we treated animals today as something like the way we today look back on the way our forefathers treated slaves,” Dawkins predicts.
Whatever your beliefs, we can all agree with Dawkins that animals should not suffer “ lifetimes of suffering and the planet should not be degraded by pollution and waste. Just by eating vegetarian, we can all help protect farmed animals from cruelty and the environment from destruction. for tips, recipes and resources to get started.