I spoke to Amit Ahuja this morning. He did call the police who gave the GSD pup’s (yes, it’s a 4-month-old pup) owner the scare of his life. They warned him that if they had to come out again they would take him and the pup away. So far the man is being good to the pup, playing with him, cradling and kissing him, but still, Amit and his wife are keeping a watch and at the first sign of trouble will remove the pup with the help of the police.

Hats off to Amit Ahuja. He unlike many of us who simply wring our hands and look the other way took prompt action. He didn’t just call the police, he went in himself stopped the man from beating the pup. The man claims he was only trying to train the dog. Amit, himself the parent of 9 house dogs and caregiver of 14 others, gave him some tips and then warned him again. So, for now the situation is under control. Let’s hope it remains that way.

Thank you all,


Date: Tue, 7 Feb 2012 19:49:44 +0530
Subject: Re: torture of a pet dog in DLF Phase 1 Arjun Marg
From: amita.singh3@gmail.com
To: madhu_goyal@hotmail.com
CC: golferamit@gmail.com; powerofmouse@gmail.com; kamal.vij@gmail.com; princeton.animalfanclub@gmail.com; tulikamehra@gmail.com; prema.swaminathan9@gmail.com; wah.gurgaon@gmail.com; blossom_hackett@yahoo.co.in; tusharbharadwaj@rediffmail.com; amitkorpal@gmail.com

Amit Ahuja has already called the police and 15 mins ago I got a call from his wife saying that the owner has presumably taken the dogs away and apprehensions are that he has killed them in some silent manner.
In any case Amit has to proceed with action as he lives next door and we cannot file a complaint on his behalf . Once he does it or decides to do it we may lend our support. Most complainants fail to act beyond aggreived words and a lot of noise is created in the environment .
Amit, in case you are reading this pl.follow these steps:
1> lodge a complaint with the police stating ‘subject: Complaint against Mr. X under The Prevention of Cruelty Act 1960, as Amended 1982’
(1) introduction of the accused:
Mr. X is my neighbour res.of …………
(2) cruelty act:
Mr. X beats the pet dog, German Sh epard with brutal blows over his body, uses sharp instruments for torture , he does this every night and starves his dogs…etc etc
(3) Present concern:
Mr. X has in all possibility eliminated the dogs.
Prayer: The dogs may immediately be recovered and appropriate action be taken against Mr. X for his cruel acts against the voiceless creature who is protected by the law of the nation.
On Tue, Feb 7, 2012 at 5:35 PM, Madhu Goyal <madhu_goyal@hotmail.com> wrote:

Dear Amita,

Why not lodge a police complaint or an FIR against this man? As far as I know one can’t simply barge into someone’s house and remove a dog. You’ll have to take police help. Anyway, I’ve forwarded your mail to others in Gurgaon and Geeta of Friendicoes.

> Date: Tue, 7 Feb 2012 14:41:28 +0530
> Subject: torture of a pet dog in DLF Phase 1 Arjun Marg
> From: amita.singh3@gmail.com
> To: golferamit@gmail.com
> CC: powerofmouse@gmail.com; kamal.vij@gmail.com; princeton.animalfanclub@gmail.com; tulikamehra@gmail.com; prema.swaminathan9@gmail.com; wah.gurgaon@gmail.com; blossom_hackett@yahoo.co.in; tusharbharadwaj@rediffmail.com; amitkorpal@gmail.com

> Dear animal lovers
> Amit (Res.79 Arjun Marg) m:9999034443 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 9999034443 end_of_the_skype_highlighting, has a neighbour who beats is
> german shepard dog with intense brutality. He needs support for the
> dog to be picked up and rehabilitated.
> See if anyone of you nearby can help? We would join in the rescue
> operations if Geeta from Frendicoes can send a van.
> Thank you
> amita singh

By pegasus

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