Many of you living in the NDMC areas of New Delhi must have received this sms:

“NDMC NewDelhi Smart City
Should NDMC relocate stray dogs to sanctuaries? Please send response as
NDMC Y11 or
NDMC N11 to

Please, please respond immediately with the second option NDMC N11. Sanctuaries are a euphemism for death camps as is apparent from the experience of Hyderabad and Pune, to mention just a couple of cities.

NDMC is trying to build its case against stray dogs to present to the court in the upcoming Supreme Court case. For a long time they have been trying to get rid of our street dogs, but every time they have been thwarted by the law and the united front presented by animal lovers all over. Now once again our dogs are in danger and they need your support, not just from Delhi’s animal lovers but from animal lovers everywhere! Please, please unite once again for the street dogs of Delhi. If the NDMC succeeds in Delhi, it will spell death and suffering for Delhi’s dogs, and other cities will surely follow their example. Street dogs should have the right to live free, healthy and happy, cared for by the community as the dogs in the attached pictures!

Thank you,

By pegasus

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