Salman Khan’s love for his pets, two bull mastiffs called Myson and Myjaan, is as legendary as his box office record. Seven years after they passed away, the dogs have been immortalised in a plaque installed on the traffic island outside Mehboob Studio which is a stone’s throw away from the actor’s residence. The marble memorial features an embossed painting of the dogs with their names etched underneath.

According to Bandra residents, it was installed in the last fortnight. Presumably to avoid any controversy, Khan chose to not put his name. As per BMC norms, putting up a plaque in a public place requires approval. When asked if the BMC was aware of it, Congress corporator from H West Ward, Asif Zakaria said, “Such proposals are generally passed by the local ward committee. I’ll have to check with the BMC if proper permission was sought.”

Following Myson’s death in 2009, Myjaan took ill a few months later and passed away. It is said that Salman’s debut production, Chillar Party, which centred on a bunch of kids who go to extraordinary lengths to save their society dog from the clutches of the municipal corporation, was a tribute to his late pets.

In 2011, the 50-year-old actor had donated a photograph of him with Myson and Myjaan to the Bombay Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (BSPCA) to spread awareness about animal welfare.

By pegasus

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