To, Date: 22-06-20
The Hon’ble Chairman,
Animal Welfare Board of India,
Respected Sir,
Sub: Requesting prosecution and blacklisting of Veterinary Society for Animal Welfare and Rural Development (VSAWRD) for gross violation of Animal Birth Control Rules; murderers roaming free
I am Dr. Kuhu Roy from Baroda. My mother, Mrs. Hansa Roy and I, have been looking after the well-being of hundreds of stray dogs (daily feeding, first-aid, sterilisation and vaccination) in the city of Baroda all in our personal capacity.
I am writing to you seeking urgent action against Vet’s Society for Animal Welfare and Rural Development (VSAWRD) for gross animal cruelties under the garb of Animal Birth Control (ABC) Programme during their tenure in BARODA (2016-2017) and for a current re-run they are engaging in Ludhiana. While they were in Baroda, they had scores of police complaints (07-01-17, 12-01-17, 20-01-17, 09-02-17, 11-02-17, 12-02-17, 20-05-17), FIR filed against them by Mrs. Hansa Roy and I.
Following were the issues:
1. Old and previously spayed/neutered dogs were also caught and rarely they came back. Where did they go? What was done with them?
2. Pups and lactating mother dogs were also taken for surgeries in the race for numbers.
3. VSAWRD dog catchers caught dogs without seeing whether the dog’s ear was already notched or not (an easy way to identify the already sterilised dogs). The catchers were found drunk on every occasion. They did keep a record book in the van but the written locations did not ever tally with the numbers on the nets!
4. Dogs were not tagged on the spot because of which wrong drops off happened.
5. The cages at their ABC unit were numbered at the whims of the staff. They had no clue where the dog was from and they dropped them at their will.
6. Rather than being notched, ears were cut with a blade, unevenly, and sealed with wax, a wound that eventually turned septic as pieces of the ear kept falling off exposing raw flesh.
7. Dogs were not given any post-op care, with raw sutures evident and swollen red genitals that caused agony to the animal. Within 10 days of their release, many died of sepsis.
8. Not all dogs were given anti-rabies vaccination before release, as admitted by the VSAWRD staff.
9. Dogs were mishandled. Many of them returned with swollen snouts and limping legs.
10. Dogs anesthetized before the sterilization procedure were kept in the sun piled on one another, a few of them had even died, rigor mortis had set in and the VSAWRD staff had no knowledge of it.
11. The ABC-incharge and the monitoring committee with vested interests slept over these issues.
12. The incomplete RTI replies by the PIO VMC (list of ABC monitoring committee not disclosed despite being asked in the RTI) were also a giveaway of how the matters stood.
13. There was no way the common man could inquire about his dogs taken by VSAWRD staff because
a. Their shelter at Khatamba village was too far off
b. There was no landline phone number to reach them
c. Entry had been barred for the common man after Mrs. Hansa Roy went for a surprise check on 6th January, 2017.
d. Their vets never answered the phone calls.
e. Their drivers answered the phone saying that it was a wrong number.
f. Dr. Panchal, Market Superintendent, VMC, in-charge ABC programme too never answered the phone.
All the malpractices by VSAWRD in Baroda were reported to and incomplete knowledge of Dr. Panchal, the Market Superintendent cum ABC in-charge, but no action was ever taken. However, WHEN THE VADODARA CITY POLICE ASKED THE Vadodara Municipal Corporation AND THE VSAWRD TO FURNISH REPLIES TO THE STOCKPILE OF COMPLAINTS ON VSAWRD, THEY QUIETLY VAMOOSED IN THE DARK OF NIGHT!!! CAN THESE VICIOUS BUNCH OF SADISTS BE LET GO UNPUNISHED FOR THEIR HORRID CRIMES AND SAVAGERY IN BARODA? DOES IPC 428, 429, violation of Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act and the Animal Birth Control Rules not apply to these goons? WHAT THEY DID CANNOT BE BRUSHED UNDER THE CARPET.
In the hands of VSAWRD, the ABC programme was turned into a quietly orchestrated stray dog kill and dislocation programme. Sadly, there is a likewise trend in any city they go to.
In INDORE they did a loot and news clips also suggest that VSAWRD under Murlidharan has been running slaughterhouses across the country in the name of ABC programme. Once blacklisted, he operates by another name.
In SURAT, they went one step ahead with barbarism as burnt stray dog carcasses were found inside their ABC unit (
The vigilance officers of Surat Municipal Corporation (SMC) conducted surprise checks after animal rights activists submitted evidence of the stray do
). They are currently on a dog dislocation and killing spree in Ludhiana but all the authorities are acting deaf and blind on the matter. It only shows they are hands in glove, like in other cities, with the organisation that has been hired to kill. WHY? Whose patronage does this organisation of murderers enjoy?
Animal Welfare Board of India has time and again stood by individuals who have reported VSAWRD’s wrong doings, I can never thank you enough for that. This time, I earnestly and urgently request for
1. STRICTEST PUNISHMENT for VSAWRD for dislocation and killing of countless stray dogs in Baroda
2. Immediate cancellation of VSAWRD’s ABC license in Ludhiana
3. Digitisation of ABC programme all over India to bring accountability into the ABC programme system which otherwise has been reduced to a milking cow business. There are genuine NGOs out there doing honest ABC, it dents their image as well in the eyes of the common man who then refrain from sending their dogs for sterilisation.
4. Setting up of a national/state toll free number or a grievance redressal/feedback system for ABC that can also act as a medium to share best practices (a strategy to boost and strengthen public health programmes) and success stories of ABC programme. ABC programme can only be a success if the community as a stakeholder is involved in this public health initiative that renders beautiful results when done with honesty right from scratch.
Thanking you,
Yours sincerely,
Dr. Kuhu Roy