On 27th December 2020 Prime Minister Narendra Modi hailed the caregivers of India in his famous program ‘Man ki Baat’. He acknowledged their valuable contribution to society and asked the rest of India to do the same. He gave the example of a girl Gayatri from Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu who with the help of her father made a wheelchair for a handicapped dog (pic in the post). The Prime Minister spoke of compassion and urged all Indians to be compassionate towards all living beings. He especially mentioned the caregivers of Delhi NCR who are providing sacks, sweaters and jackets to their four-legged friends during the cold winter season. He spoke about all those caregivers who are selflessly working for the street animals by feeding them every day and taking care of them. He also mentioned the wonderful initiative taken by the prisoners of Kaushambi in Uttar Pradesh where they stitch covers for cows from worn-out old blankets to protect them from cold winter. , Apart from this the Prime Minister also told that there has been a rise in the number of leopards and lions in India. He gave credit to the civil society and other organizations who are working along with the Govt agencies in making India greener and environmentally rich. To hear the Prime Minister’s Man ki Baat kindly go on the link below:


To read what the Prime Minister said for the caregivers and their contribution to the society kindly go on the link below:


This is the second time the Prime Minister has spoken about the contribution of caregivers to the Indian society and their role in making India a better nation in the  program ‘Man ki Baat’. 

I sincerely thank our honourable Prime Minister for talking about the street animals and the caregivers. For speaking about compassion and urging all Indians to be compassionate towards all beings.

Let’s hope the municipal corporations, the ministers, the politicians, the media, and the celebrities of India too follow the footsteps of our Prime Minister and become the voice of the voiceless. 


Footnote from admin : Though I appreciate the PM acknowledging the work of animal right workers, perhaps what would be better if he actually walked the talk and moved the ever pending bill of new PCA . That would help animals way more.

By pegasus

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