BJP member Poonam Mahajan on Friday moved a private member bill in the Parliament seeking an increase in the penalties for animal cruelty through an amendment of the Prevention of Cruelties to Animals Act.

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The bill was introduced in the wake of a nationwide campaign called #NoMore50 initiated by leading animal welfare organisations Humane Society International/India and People for Animals to increase the penalties for animal cruelty.

In the aftermath of some of the most gruesome animal cruelty incidents that the country had witnessed recently, people from all walks of life including MPs, political leaders, celebrities, academicians and others have demanded for adequate punishment for animal cruelty.

While introducing the bill, Poonam Mahajan said, “There is an urgent need to amend the penal provisions of the Act in compliance with the judgement of the Supreme Court and to prevent the unnecessary pain and suffering to animals and to ensure that the Act is deterrent to animal abusers.”

The bill will now go to ballot for a discussion.

By pegasus

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