Madhu I have been much maligned and much despised for telling precisely the same unpalatable truth. As a son of the soil – and yet incurred the inexplicable displeasure and wanton discrimination of all people starting from Omar Abdullah himself and all the way downwards ? Is this my idea of India as a Nation? It’s time we stop molly cuddling the delinquent dynasts, the so called young progressives howsoever much they may be the favourites of 10 Janpath et. al. I can’t imagine a situation where IOUs and personal friendships between two people trample upon the age old civility and compassion of India as a Nation. To a person like me it is no less than a cultivated torture that I am required to endure day in and day out.
Please circulate to all those that care – not just me alone. I am all for the cause – whatever the costs.
Thanks and Regards,

— On Wed, 27/4/11, madhu goyal <> wrote:

From: madhu goyal <>
Subject: Fwd: Plight of the 4 leggeds in J&K
Date: Wednesday, 27 April, 2011, 7:34 PM


———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Bonnie <>
Date: Wed, Apr 27, 2011 at 2:42 PM
Subject: Plight of the 4 leggeds in J&K
To: madhu goyal <>

Dear Madhu,
I have come back from Srinagar with such mixed feelings that I am unable to justify some peace to self. Although Kashmir is such a beautiful place, I was just not at peace when I saw the plights of the horses on the hill sides that are used by the locals. They were (most of the time) ematiated and badly kept. I can’t blame the locals either, they were also alomost bare feet in the cold and snow. Who do I blame then? The Government of course. Is this the reason I am paying tax through my nose? I want to see a better state of life for the animals, I’d like to believe that even if not all of it, but some of my tax money is spent in caring for the street animals..they are a common pet for all of us.
What was more shocking in Srinagar, was that there is no Government run ABC clinics. Almost all the stray dogs have been shot mercilessly and these are the truths I have learnt from the hawkers, rickshaw walas, the shikara walas and the local people with whom I’d sit and share a cup of kahwa and try and find out what was happening to the stray animals. It is not normal for me to be in India and have no strays wagging their tails and looking at me with hopeful eyes for something to eat…or just sitting there and being a part of us. What’s most horrid, is that some of the locals are missing their stray pets… the local kids have also gotten into the idea that it is ok to kill dogs as they are a nusciance. Is this the future generation of Kashmiris we are building?
Lastly, dogs were murdered brutally – but where are the cows being taken? I saw a poor cow who was eating from the garbage ( which, like most of the cities, was collected in a huge heap in the middle of the street), was caught by the throat and horns and by the tail and was then yanked into a van with no details on it. The local cabbie told me that they are taken and then slaughtred as no one claims them. Is this the nation that takes pride in “Non Violence”? We are so hypocritical in our stance !! I am a very angry and frustrated citizen and I wish I can stop paying tax and spend that money instead for a better social cause. Please circulate my mail to all in hope that it will reach some corrupt politician and make him / her wonder and introspect a bit.  


The best portion of a good man’s life is his little, nameless, unremembered acts of kindness and of love.

By pegasus

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