Please let me know if there is any association in lucknow
Hi Madhu, Thank you again for the prompt response and I truly agree with you on directing our energies to Indians. The best way to start contributing towards this cause…
Compassion is the only religion
Hi Madhu, Thank you again for the prompt response and I truly agree with you on directing our energies to Indians. The best way to start contributing towards this cause…
{gallery}htIndiancitiesneedstreetdogs{/gallery} From: Lisa Warden Subject: {FIAPO} Hindustan Times UP on why Indian cities need street dogs if the dogs would be away the rats will play The following article ran…
{gallery}keraladogswithoutlicensekilled{/gallery} Almost 30 people have agreed to be involved in this battle. We are planning the logistics and funding. A new website will be made for this project alone ———————————————…
{gallery}toidogworship{/gallery} This article is a good example of the belief system that prevailed in India since ages. In fact the earlier text on hinduism gives an account of how dogs…
Seasons Greetings to you. I wanted to update you on the upcoming ABC camps we plan to organizein the Kumaon area in March-April 2011. As in the past, we hope…
Dear Rishi, I have spoken to Anjali and she is presently at the children’s home where they all seem to love her. I will go and meet her today. Ananya…
Dear Friends, This is an important email.Recently we saw the news report which talked of missing dogs in Mumbai. We also come across so many cases in Delhi where street…
Dear Friends, Recently we received a couple of phone calls and an sms message which informed us of the sad plight of three Persian cats and a few birds inside…
{gallery}monkeycullinghimachal{/gallery} Letters relating to mass monkey culling of monkeys in Himachal from under secretary forest himachal pradesh. This is called “Sarso mein bhoot”. People who are supposed to defend wild…
I found a nice facebook link with good and sad news relating to animals, have a look I also found this site on it, obviously posted by Smita 🙂…