Son of a politician kills 2 dogs in Porbandar; Dog sexually assaulted in Thane
A 40-year-old man was found sexually abusing a female dog. The feeders of the dog found this man indulging in this most heinous crime and thereafter reported it to an…
Compassion is the only religion
A 40-year-old man was found sexually abusing a female dog. The feeders of the dog found this man indulging in this most heinous crime and thereafter reported it to an…
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of even though we may…
To, The Editor, The Indian Express Sub: Venom spewing article titled ‘A bizarre and unscientific policy is behind the menace of stray dogs all over India’ published in The Indian…
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A country which gave birth to Buddha, Mahavir, Gandhi, Vivekananda, Sai Baba etc who all just preached love, peace AND animal rights today cares nothing about animal rights. How far…
22 JUL 2020 — 15th August 2020 is the day when India got its freedom from British rule. The day is celebrated every year with a lot of fanfare. The…
To, The Ministry of Environment and Rural and Marine Affairs, Government of Spain Sub: Savage culling of minks in Spain, backed by unsubstantiated evidence Sir, I am writing to you…
As usual, govts thought its fine to keep all animals locked in rooms during the lockdown and anyone who came out to walk them were being beaten by the police.…
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Almost 9 months now since this petition but neither the Delhi Govt seems to be bothered nor the Municipal corporation of Delhi. Post lockdown the MCD has now resumed it’s…