The Animal Welfare Board of India has decided to give a Card called Colony Caretaker to every person who feeds animals in their own areas. This card will come in useful if people complain to the police or neighbours and animal haters prove to be a nuisance.

Therefore please send in as many names as you can of people who do this work in your city. The form is on this site

You need to send a photo as well.

Please make a note: You also need to send us the list with name, address, contact no & email id.

Either you can send the bunch of forms and photos to Smt. Maneka Gandhi’s office (14, Ashoka Road, New Delhi – 1100 01) where they will be sent to the AWBI or you can send it directly.

Please make sure you do this quickly. There are hundreds of women who feed animals in their colonies and they need protection and authority.  There are hundreds of RWAs who make a nuisance of themselves and the animal feeders in these colonies / societies / buildings need authorization. make sure they get it in your town / city / district.

By pegasus

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