ADMIN MSG: More and More Propoganda, this is what Kashmir is expert at.
Dear Friends,
It is but one in a protracted series of Goebellian ploys being allowed to be used by the administra(i)tors of Kashmir. I will send you the rest shortly.
Greatly annoyed with the poison drive being kept in temporary abeyance following universal outrage, some “respectable citizens” of Kashmir have got the following half page Advt placed on 23 March 2011 in a daily newspaper of Srinagar – even as the officials continue to lead the AWBI and the animal activists up the garden path. The State Government continues to sit on the issue as a sworn stumbling block than a willing facilitator of justice and resolution as before.
We think we have fair knowledge as to who is indulging in this incitement and with what purpose! I would also appeal to the legal eagles within our fraternity to mull whether the Press Council of India code of conduct applicabe to Social advertising provides for such outright vitiation and incitement as to call people for substituting rational action with “the frenzied sentiments decided upon in mosque and Mohalla Committees” – Vigilante Justice put to shame. No need to state which way Kashmir is headed under these visionaries?
I would urge those that still believe in ethics of judicious reporting, as I do, to get together and intitiate proceedings against Greater Kashmir in the Press Council of India – even if the provisions of such incitement are not explicity stated in its conduct code – for then a few things would have come to light and the agendas of scheming saboteurs been exposed at least.
The Advt is appended below. Please take a look.
Sincerely yours

By pegasus

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