Director H.R. Singla

Goal: Punish security guards for allegedly beating stray dogs to death on Lovely Professional University campus in Jalandhar, India.

Students on Lovely Professional campus identified a series of animal abuses ranging from beating dogs to death, to crushing or tossing puppies into garbage bins. They discovered that security guards meant to protect inhabitants of the campus were reportedly issued a mandate by the school to do this. This horrifying discovery followed the death of a stray dog named Hope. A student customarily brought food for Hope every morning and was greeted with kisses and wagging tail. However, on one fateful day, the student ran late. Instead of a greeting by their stray friend, they instead found hope dazed and bleeding profusely from a severe beating. Hope was rushed to a nearby vet, but his wounds were too severe and he died within the hour. Hope lost his life, and this student lost his friend because of someone else’s monstrous actions. Afterward, students began talking and stories of other abuses came to light. Hope’s murder wasn’t a random act of cruelty, but just one act in a series.

Places of learning are beacons in to society, and are often considered places of high standard. Lovely Professional has shown it’s colors in a tragically disappointing way. The lack of humanity and surplus of ignorance it takes to charge security with brutally slaughtering animals is next to incomprehensible, but sadly all too common.

Put an end to this senseless massacre of stray dogs. Urge Lovely Professional School to help these dogs instead of murdering them. Stray animals may be inconvenient in the eyes of a business, but that does not make them fodder for petty cruelties. If humanity is measured by how one treats lesser individuals, human or animal, then Lovely Professional School has shown itself to lack even the most basic understanding.

By pegasus

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