In Yamunanagar, Haryana a woman was found beating a small puppy barely a few days old and breaking one of his legs by hitting him hard with  a stick. To watch the devil in the body of a woman kindly go on the link below:

A few days back a message had gone viral on various whataspp groups in Delhi NCR. The message was regarding a meeting which was to be held at Maxwell society at sector 75, Noida, Uttar Pradesh.  The meeting was for all those residents and RWAs who are terrified by stray dogs and want a solution for them. The hosts of the meeting seemed to be people who have openly opposed the feeders from feeding dogs and want the removal of dogs from their colonies. The entire message verbatim has been shared in the previous post. The link of the post is given below:

Yesterday on 21st June 2022 a horrifying incident took place in Maxwell society. The same society where the meeting was called. A dog totally covered in a cloth and being held by two people along with a bunch of insensitive and cruel men holding sharp edged sticks in their hands was seen in broad day light. It seems the dog was beaten with sticks and then  relocated. The caregivers could do nothing to help the dog and stood as mere spectators. They filed an FIR but the police of Noida has taken no action against the perpetrators.  It is quite obvious that the RWA of the society is very powerful. They have political influence. 

Who has given RWAs the right to take law into their hands? Such RWA members should be penalized and blacklisted. Such members should be banned from contesting any elections in future. 

Are animal laws in India just for namesake? Are political bosses, their supporters and their acquaintances above law? Well it seems so in Noida, Uttar Pradesh. To watch the horrific incident kindly go on the link below:

Eight dogs have already been relocated illegally from Maxwell and the police of Noida are doing nothing about it. They have neither taken any action against the perpetrators nor stopped relocation. The whereabouts about all the eight dogs is still not known. And the one who was wrapped in the cloth and whose video has gone viral is said to be in Dhyan Foundation but his pictures have not be shown. No one has any idea how the dog is. Is he even alive?

Just how many more dogs will become victim of human cruelty? The humans especially the RWAs are murdering dogs and the caregivers are watching it all happen helplessly……

When will this RWA menace end? 

By pegasus

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