First of all i have the highest doubt of 50 dogs eating a human. They are dogs not leopards . Every single time some such news comes out , later it is found that , the human had died to to a car accident or some other reason and the dogs being scavengers were doing what they know best , scavenging.

Secondly why are there 50 dogs in a pack roaming around on the street? Because keralities are pretty useless , they have time to hack sites but not get the dogs sterilised to keep their population in check. 

Why do such things not happen in Delhi ? Because citizens spend their own money and get community dogs sterilised unlike these people whose only answer is to kill. If they would have not syphoned off cash for animal sterilisation this situation would never have happened instead they will blame the dogs and then go around hacking websites. 

MORONS , get a life , do something useful with it .

By pegasus

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