Fighting a war to protect our animals is not controversial at all!!!

Please check this link out. I think we must all do what we can.

controversial at all!!!

I am putting the data here but the rights of the article and photos all beling to the website negotiationisover. I am putting it up here only because I want indians to read the walk that is being planned.

Posted by Negotiation Is Over on January 24, 2011

by Sybelle Foxcroft (Cee4life)

What I do in cee4life is to hunt poachers, usually of the tiger, and expose wildlife traders, along with conservation and environmental education.

However, I have a great deal of contacts who are in the field and when things get desperate they will contact me to put out my feelers to seek help for them. In regard to the these particular rhino, I have been able to get this information to an anti-poaching friend of mine in Africa who is now trying to get some help to the farmers.

You know from where I stand, fighting a war to protect our animals is not controversial at all. I have been a solider (medical sargeant) in the Australian army for 20 years, and these poachers are totally militant, and they are using military tactics, they will shoot to kill and have killed many people. My anti-poaching friends name is Damien Mander and he runs the IAPF in Africa. He is an ex-Australian soldier who trained troops in Iraq. He knows that he may be killed doing his work.

The threats dont get any more real than this, it is a war. There is no fluffy negotiations with these people, unless of course you have millions of dollars to give them.

Anti-poaching forces


There are people out there in the world that would like to think that conservation is all happy and cuddling animals or having a few harsh words while tying yourself to a tree, but that just isnt the case.

Numerous conservationists have been murdered or mysteriously killed, they just arent making the headlines. People might need to be reminded of the well known murders of Dian Fossey, or George Adamson, and then there are all the others, numerous anti-poachers have been killed, conservationists mysteriously disappearing and one such case strangely dying of poisoning etc. I have been working on a report to release to the people in regard to the deaths of so many conservationists, animal advocates, and anti-poachers.

My personal accountant with life threats came direct from inside the Tiger Temple, where I was told I would not make it out of Thailand. I had to contact the Australian Embassy who told me to they feared for my life and I had to run for 4 hours until I made it to Bangkok. And these people hide behind the monks robes and the buddhist faith. I have nothing against religion except for the people who use it as something that shields them from there vile acts.
There was no doubt that the Australian Embassy thought I would disappear off the face of the earth, and they told me this. I managed to record some of the threats though. I get threatened alot, usually from people who may have money to loose if a place of animal abuse is exposed.

I will have a talk to the person who is monitoring/protecting the rhinos over in hoedspruit, they currently didnt want their name known, however he may be interested in telling you about these things.

The majority of people who contact me asking me ‘what can they do’ have grown extremely tired of only being able to sign petitions or donate to somewhere. They are sick of giving and speaking and trusting in either Governments or conservation groups that claim to be saving these creatures, yet still species are spiralling into extinction.

tired of petitions?

There are some that have told me they are selling all their belongings and are heading to ‘shoot the poachers’ in places like Africa and India, because they have no idea how else to stop the slaughter.

There is a fast growing movement for hands on action, people wanting to band together and form small militant type groups to fight the poachers. That seems acceptable to me, except for the fact that most of these people have no military training, and the poachers do.

So unless someone has the guts to recognise the war that is raging for our animals, then it will escalate into a true war zone, and many lives will be lost.

And all of this is preventable.

It is easy for many to give in to the anger and devastation of the murder of our creatures, it is understandable. How many more slaughters and murders can people take before they break and hunt the hunters.

I am trying to organise a ‘Freedom Walk for the Tigers’ which will be held in India in either April or May, and I am simply inviting the people from India and around the world, to join in this walk, as a show of unity across the nations of our demand to save the last of the tigers.

There will be some presentations given, nothing spectacular, but I am hoping that with media coverage, this will show those in positions of authority or influence that they must act, that this is the will and desire of the people.
Many people forget that the Government is there to work for the people (well, most…) so this is a peaceful way of showing the Governments what the people want. And that is to get rid of the poachers, expose the medicinal myths of animal body part use TCM, and protect the last of the wild things.

But I dont know how long the ‘peaceful’ side will last.

A fire is raging in thousands of people and if it ignites, it will burn fiercely.

Follow the campaign against animal experimentation at the University of Florida HERE.

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  Disclaimer: The information on this site is for educational and entertainment purposes only. There is no intent, express or implied, to promote illegal activities. We assume no liability for the potential actions of any third party. All data compiled here has been gathered from, and is available through, independent public sources.


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Last modified on January 30, 2011

By pegasus

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