Dear Arpan, Faizan, Sowmya, Helen, Deepa, and every body else whoworked tirelessly, with deep dedication, for putting up the FIAPOIndia For Animals conference at Chennai, Dear Board of Trustees of the FIAPO, THANK YOU.

Thanks for enabling a very enriching ‘Sharing, Learning, Inspiring’experience for those of us who attended the conference, andparticipated. I learnt a lot, and I hope to be able to use all of itfor the benefit of our dear animal friends.

In fact, I’ve come back to Delhi very re-energized, and ‘raring togo’, so to say. Thank you for bringing all of us together – I am sure we have a verylong way to go, and shall achieve plenty. Lets continue to draw all ‘animal people’ together, because United, weshall Stand.

Thank you all.

Best regards,

Anjali Sharma

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