
Ref our telecon and my visit to the site last night.
1.The head was not severed as previously thought. The neck was broken and twisted at a 180 degree angle as corroborated by the pictures.
2.I have lodged a post facto complaint at the Sushant Lok I police station and the police ASI, Shri Dinesh Kumar instructed his Beat Constable to investigate. He was aghast and promised to examine/question/warn suspects.
3.I also visited the Sector 56 police station and met the deputy SHO. He too was very supportive. Even though the jurisdiction is with Sushant Lok I police station, I thought it worthwhile to appraise the Sector 56 police staff since they flank the other end of the Golf Course Road where the horrible incident occurred.
4.The scanned complaint is attached for reference.
This mail is copied to the Gurgaon PFA Executive Committee & Core Team besides select others who are aware of the issue and have demonstrated consistent action for animals at all times, with a specific request not to launch it any further.
Amit Chaudhery
(+91.98.1170.3501 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              +91.98.1170.3501      end_of_the_skype_highlighting)
Journalist, Naturalist & Activist

President, People For Animals-Gurgaon

Ministry of Environment & Forests
Government of India
Nominee to IAECs

“We have now sunk to such a depth, at which, the re-statement of the obvious is the first duty of civilized man” — George Orwell



 Dear Sir,
> Last night at around 10:30pm we saw this horrible sight on the road
> right opposite the famous Drinking Place ‘Machaan’ on DLF Golf Course
> Road. The sight had no sign of blood, somebody has  slit the neck of
> the dog and drained all the blood till the dog died and afterwards the
> body has been thrown in the middle of the road to be crushed under the
> car, fortunately WAH team members have seen the body before it came
> under numerous cars go.
> When we were clicking the pictures, police patrol came and inquired
> about the incident on asking them to lodge a complain, they simply
> said its not going to make any difference. On insisting on the
> procedure of logging the complain, they asked us to call 100.
> There are many illegal shops around Machaan and some of them are
> butcher shops behind Machaan and the Wine shop. As seen from the slit,
> which has been made by a sharp butcher’s knife, there is a possibility
> of one of these shops being involved.
> May we please request to take some possible action so as to stop such
> kind of brutality as soon as possible.
> In anticipation of your kind advice.
> Thanks and Regards,
> —
> Blossom Hackett(President)-9810774141
> Tulika Mehra(Vice President)-9899236929
> Vidya Sangwan(Secretary)-9278086730
> Varsha Sharma(Treasurer)-9810702657
> Board Members: Prema Swaminathan, Amita Singh,Tushar Bhardwaj, Ishwar
> Singh Sangwan, Subbulaxmi Sarkar, R.K.Yadav and Sandeep Chaddha.
> Legal Advisor: Ishwar Singh Sangwan, Gurgaon District Court.
> Shelter Home Consultant:Mahinder Singh Tokas

By pegasus

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