Dewas in the state of Madhya Pradesh has been in news for the past several days for picking up the stray dogs in the most inhuman manner and relocating them at Bhopal Bypass. This is not only an inhuman act but is also illegal. As per animal welfare law a stray dog cannot be relocated from its place of birth but the Dewas municipal corporation is blatantly  breaking all laws. Several animal welfare NGOs have resisted the corporation’s move and made several complaints with the municipal commissioner but nothing has stopped the brutal and illegal act.

The following is the video of corporation’s brutality towards stray dogs which took place in Dewas on 4th January 2020.

Is it really the fault of the commissioner? 

Is it on her order that the animals laws are being broken in Dewas?

Can a govt employee ever risk her job by breaking laws and inspite of complaints made by animal welfare organizations still continue with this cruel and illegal act?

The commissioners are people who unfortunately are just doing what the mayors, councillors and ministers tell them. 

It is the lack of political will that is responsible for such mayhem in Dewas.

Why isn’t the commissioner been transferred or dismissed for such an illegal act? 

By pegasus

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