This website would be for animals and for people who love them. The basis on which this website was created would be to create a centralised system / databank for people who want to help animals. I would over the next few months try to do the following.

1) Get as many people who love animals to join this website.

2) Get as many people who dont love animals to start loving them.

3) Bring NGOs and VETs under one centralised banner to be able to communicate to each other properly and work towards one common goal.

4) Have experts give out suggestions and methods by how people can pitch in to solve various stray animal related problems without causing an inch of harm to either the animals or humans.

We have to learn to co-exist. Nature never created us to divide plots make 100 storey buildings and decide that no one else has the to right to live.


Best Regards


By pegasus

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