Tell GoDaddy CEO Bob Parsons: Stop Shooting Elephants

*I myself have websites on godaddy, I will never renew my services from them and I hope you do the same*

It seems everyone from the biggest companies down to your favorite aunt has their own website these days. But have you ever thought about just what the money for your own or your favorite website goes to support?

Bob Parsons, the CEO of web hosting company, recently posted horrific footage of himself hunting and killing an elephant during a vacation to Zimbabwe. Worse, he seems to think himself a hero and defender of the Zimbabwean people he is visiting. But Parson’s high powered rifle and ill-considered vacation aren’t the solution to anyone’s problems.

Elephants are intelligent, incredibly social animals, and their packs have been devastated by poaching and people like Bob Parsons hunting them for perverse entertainment.

He’s no hero for his violent acts. Tell Bob Parsons you won’t use GoDaddy’s services until he stops slaughtering animals.

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