2 NOV 2022 —
About a few years back Indian cities anti social elements consisted of local goons and theives who used to live in suburbs and slum areas
But now the scenario has changed and the local goons have evolved in posh residential colonies and are living among us
Many have become a part of the RWAs ( Resident welfare Association) and the AOAs (Apartment Owners Association)
The RWA of Lotus Boulevard, in sector 100 Noida is the classic example of this, it is told that the President of the RWA is a retired army general who has shown his might by getting around 8 dogs relocated from the Apartment to Noida Autnority just a few days ago,
The pregnant dog who died three days back and all of her five puppies who have also died are the victim of the atrocity of this RWA
The RWA had stopped the feeding of the remaining dogs, one of whom is a pregnant dog who could not get picked up by the Noida Authority when the pick up was made of 8 dogs including the pregnant dog who is no more
But they were still not satisfied, so today they contacted a private shelter and with the help of their security guards started getting the remaining dogs also picked
Fortunately the caregivers raised an alarm and were able to stop the relocation of dogs but by then one dog had already got relocated (Pic in the post)
These so called RWA goons have made a whatsapp group called the Lotus Boulevard stray dog action group, in this group they wrote that the dog has been picked for rehabilitation
The formation of this kind of group itself shows their negative mindset towards dogs, and who gave them the right to make such an illegal action group when the law clearly says that it is only the corporation who has a right to pick up dogs that too unsterilized dogs,
The municipal corporation in this case is the Noida Authority
The RWA of Lotus Boulevard led by a retired general of the Indian army has taken law for granted
Such generals who consider themselves above law are a disgrace to the armed forces
Our armed forces honour our dogs and treat them with dignity but the way dogs are being treated at Lotus Boulevard and laws taken for a ride one just can’t believe that the RWA president is an ex general
All these events are happening because about two weeks back in the same complex an eight month old child died after being mauled by a dog, even though there were no eye witnesses and no cctv footage to the accident
What happened was very unfortunate and should not have happened but how justified it is to get all the dogs removed from the complex? And it’s been almost two weeks now so why getting the remaining dogs removed now?
The intentions of the RWA is very clear
They want to get rid of all the dogs and make the accident an excuse
But more worrying than the RWA is role of the govt machinery and its functioning in Noida
What is the Noida Authority doing?
As per the protocol the dogs who were picked up from Lotus boulevard and kept with the Noida Authority should have been dropped back after 10 days observation but it’s been more than 10 days now but the Noida Autnority has still not dropped the dogs
Why ? Are they scared of the RWA?
If the answer is yes then it’s shameful
What is the Noida police doing?
Isn’t breaking animal laws a punishable offence?
If the answer is yes then what are the police of Noida doing?
They are silently watching the dogs being relocated
And What is the AWBI (Animal welfare Board of India) doing?
Shouldn’t they get this RWA dissolved/delisted / blacklisted
How many more dogs does the Noida Authority, the Noida police and the AWBI want to die before they take strict action against such RWAs
There is another case of RWA atrocity on community dogs and its caregiver Uma in Piyuesh heights sector 89, Faridabad, Haryana
Uma is a Malaysian of Indian origin who has been living in India for past 5 years in piyuesh heights, there were 16 dogs in the society of which 5 were relocated by the RWA,
They did this when Uma had gone to Malaysia in june 2022,
Uma has gone through a nightmare right from july 2022 till now after she came back to india
She approached the police but didn’t find any help
She has been forced to vacate her Apartment and now lives in another Apartment
Yesterday she was left with no choice but to approach the media
To listen to her ordeal and the ugly truth about the Piyuesh heights RWA kindly go on the link below:
Uma Devi was brave to have shared her story but not all are that brave
Dogs of India are being relocated, poisoned and killed and the caregivers are watching all this happen helplessly because the govt machinery are blind, deaf and dumb