Kashmir in my opinion has never believed in what rest of India believes in. I have felt and seen that since I was born and thats 28 years ago and now just to prove every other Indian right about that they are taking part in paid propoganda about how rabid dogs are killing humans in kashmir (which point in fact are false) . What the incompetant officers seem to forget that the reason we try to save the animals is because we feel that humans have a duty to be “human” and as such we cannot engage in mass killing but that doesnt mean we dont care about humans. Our subjective point is that there is another way of stopping this and that is called ABC. If there really are such massive number of rabid dogs, they will be caught during ABC and put to sleep , killing the normal non agressive ones doesnt seem to many any sense.
Here are my two bit of opinion towards it.
1) First & most important point: If the numbers are true, and so many people have been bitten in Kashmir by dogs (which I completely doubt) Why was the administration sleeping for the last WHOLE DECADE when they should have taken part in active ABC.
2) How come such numbers are not true ANYWHERE else in India and only Kashmir. Their knee jerk reaction are illegal and dumb to say the least and absolutely counter productive and unscientific (lets not even get into the moral obligations) . How have cities like Jaipur, Gangtok and Chennai been able to completely eradicate problems of rabies and over population of stray dogs without having to cull even one?
3) If Kashmiris could stop killing animals at every street corner and discarding slaughter waste every which way they can, they probably would not attract so many packs of dogs. The very reason there are so many packs of dogs surrounding human market places in Kashmir because it has absolutely no SENSE OF HYGIENE. Every nook and corner has some illegal slaughter house running where they are killing some living creature and then discarding the waste for the dogs to be attracted towards it. Clean up your garbage and waste disposal first and shut down all illegal slaughter houses.
4) Time and again Kashmir goes against the laws of India, for eg it isnt bad enough that Kashmiris dont even allow the Indian flag to be unfurled publically now they go against it by mass culling of dogs. When we try to stop it and ask them to do the right thing, their incompetant officers start engaging in paid propoganda. What is even more saddening is the absense of protest by local Kashmiris. They fail to understand what goes around comes around. Maybe their lack of compassion is the reason for most of their troubles.
The great nation called India RESPECTS its human as well as its animal inhabitants and Kashmir should do the same as it is a part of India.