WHO has confirmed that doggos dont spread COVID
WHO has confirmed that doggos dont spread COVID
Compassion is the only religion
WHO has confirmed that doggos dont spread COVID
https://www.news18.com/news/india/covid-19-lockdown-zoo-animals-hungry-central-body-wants-their-upkeep-in-essential-services-list-2549603.html Zoos are facing severe hardships in getting food supplies, drinking water and healthcare of captive animals as these activities do not fall under ‘essential services’ category. File photo of…
Read Full Story on Times of India MUMBAI: Encouraged by the latest directive of Animal Welfare Board of India (AWBI) asking the state authorities to allow the feeding of animals…
While the poor animals are going hungry due to COVID pandemic, few brave animal lovers are going out to feed them. They deserve applause but instead the human race, scum…
Dolphins at Nariman Poin, this pandemic is probably the best thing that happened to nature in a while. I stand vindicated.
There’s a long way to a world where humans and animals are treated at par. This is why the AWBI’s move to think about the welfare of animals amid COVID-19…
https://www.instagram.com/p/B94uevAHI26/?igshid=dprv3jdllzvu Here is a demon boiling a dog alive in a market somewhere probably in China…and we humans think we have the right to live…now that Coronavirus is killing us…
COVID 19 DOES NOT PASS FROM DOGS TO HUMANS, STOP ABANDONING YOUR PETS. MORONS https://mumbaimirror.indiatimes.com/civic-bodies-misleading-posters-lead-owners-to-abandon-pets/articleshow/74721086.cms https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/my-dog-is-my-family-pet-owners-respond-to-misinformation-around-coronavirus/articleshow/74759483.cms