A terrible issue has been happening in Sitapur where around 100 dogs were beaten or shot to death by the villagers and Police as they think that dogs had attacked children but it’s been proved pretty much beyond doubt that it was a pack of wild animals that look similar to dogs like striped Hyenas or wild dogs perhaps who had perpetrated the attacks. 

In one case a dog even saved a girl from the attacks.

However, against the rules of supreme court orders and laws of the country, the police, District magistrate and local villagers decided to go on a mad massive slaughter of neighbourhood dogs.

If that wasn’t bad enough apart from the local news paper who wrote the truth , the major dailies enjoyed spreading lies and hatred against dogs to increase their sales and TRP.



<iframe width=”560″ height=”315″ src=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/izd4pZjSHh4″ frameborder=”0″ allow=”autoplay; encrypted-media” allowfullscreen></iframe>


पिछले 7 दिनों से उत्तर प्रदेश के सीतापुर जिले के 5 से 7 गांवों से कुत्तों द्वारा बच्चों पर हमला कर उन्हें मारने की खबरे लगभग हर अखबार में प्रकाशित हो रही हैं।कुत्तों के व्यवहार में अचानक आये इस बदलाव ने हमे भी हैरान कर दिया क्योंकि कुत्ता सदियों से मानव के मित्र के रूप में जाना जाता रहा है।एकाएक यह हमलावर तेवर क्यों हुए इसे जानना बहुत जरूरी हो गया था।लखनऊ की विभिन्न संस्थाओं से कई एनिमल एक्टिविस्ट इसी सब के चलते सीतापुर गए और खैराबाद समेत अन्य गांवों में जाकर ग्रामीणों से बात करने पर जो कुछ सामने आया वो इस प्रकार है


1- लोगों के अनुसार हमला करने वाला जीव उनके गांव का नही,वो लाल रंग का है और उसके बदन पर धब्बे या चकत्ते है।

2-हमलावर झुंड में आ रहे हैं और झाड़ियों में छुपे रहते हैं।

3-हमला करते हुए मुख्य शिकारी गले पर हमला कर रहा है और गले की नस काट दे रहा है,,,बाकी के जानवर शिकार के बदन को नोचते हैं।

4-इसी बीच एक गांव में एक बच्ची को उसके घर के बाहर बैठने वाले कुत्ते ने इन शिकारी जानवरो से बचाया है।

5-वन विभाग अभी तक इस पूरे मामले में सोया हुआ है उन्हें यह मामला घरेलू जानवरो का लग रहा

6-पुलिस के अधिकारी CO सीतापुर एवम Adm सीतापुर, अपने निर्देशो पर गांव वालों और पुलिस टीम की मदद से जहां भी कुत्ते दिखें उन्हें जान से मारने पर जोर दे रही है।तकरीबन 100 कुत्ते अब तक मारे जा चुकेहैं। यहां तक कि उनकी लाश भी अब गायब की जा रही है।

8-किसी भी मारे गए गए कुत्ते का पोस्ट मॉर्टम अभी तक नही हुआ है।

मेरा मत-

1- अभी तक किसी ने भी कुत्ते को हमला करते नही देखा जूस जानवर का विवरण ग्रामीण दे रहे वो कुत्ता न होकर लकड़बग्घा ज्यादा लग रहा।

2-अगर आप फोटो देखें तो लाल रंग ,धब्बे और झुंड में रहने की प्रवर्त्ति लकड़बग्घे की होती है।चूंकि यह मांसाहारी य्या कार्निवोर जानवर है ,यह बिल्कुल शिकारी जानवरो की तरह गले पर हमला कर रहा है ताकि शिकार तुरंत खत्म हो जाए।झुंड में एक मुख्य शिकारी होता,,,यह इनके शिकार करने में साफ दिख रहा जो मुख्य है वो गले पर हमला कर रहा बाकी नीचे के हिस्से पर हमला कर कमजोर कर रहे शिकार को।

3- लकड़बग्घा ,जंगलय्या इकोसिस्टम मे सफाई कर्मचारी की हैसियत रखता है,वह बड़े जानवरो के छोड़े हुए अधखाये शिकारों से अपना पेट भरने वाला डरपोक जानवर होता जो उसी वजह से झुंड में और झाड़ियों में दुबक कर रहता है।यहां हमला कर के लाश को छोड़ना भी यही इंगित करता है,क्योंकि यह अक्सर सड़ी हुई लाश खाते हैं।

4- किसी भी मारे गए कुत्ते के पोस्ट मॉर्टम के बिना अधिकारियों ने यह कैसे तय कर लिया कि हमले कुत्ते कर रहे???

5-वन विभाग क्या कर रहा?

अंत मे,,,सीतापुर प्रशासन व वन्य अधिकारियों से हमारा एक सवाल,,,किस आधार पर उन्होंने कुत्तों की सामूहिक हत्या करना शुरू किया,??जबकि अभी तक बच्चों पर हमले बन्द नही हुए हैं?
अगर कल को यह साबित होता है कि हत्या कुत्ते नही लकड़बग्घे कर रहे थे,,,तो इन निर्दोषों के क़त्ल का जिम्मेदार कौन होगा, और उसे क्या सज़ा दी जाएगी???



When the pressure started mounting on the DM by animal activists, the DM quickly retracted saying no dogs were being killed but there was clear evidence that over 100 dogs had already been killed and burried in quick and shallow graves.


All concerned are hereby informed that District Administration Sitapur is not involved in the killing or abets killing of any c animal including dogs by any means.

1. In view of the death of twelve children who have died due to dog attacks, the district administration has issued an appeal in all affected villages to form surveillance teams for the protection of the children and their small animals. The details of children who have died are shared along with. Eyewitness accounts and surveillance teams confirm attack by pack of dogs.

2. To combat these attacks, so far 30 dogs have been sent to sterilization facility at Lucknow’s Kanha Up van. The dogs shall be released in their original habitat post sterilization. The Nagarpalika Khairabad has incurred a cost of Rs 1200 for each of these dogs.

3.All schools in the district have been issued an advisory to communicate the same to parents.

4. Animal Birth Control (ABC) clinic ‘ll become operational from tomorrow. Coordinated with Director Vet. Building made available by Health Department at Kanwakhera.

5. Animal experts from WWF already with us in the district to identify causes of such attacks . DFO coordinating with them.

6. IVRI Bareilly team ‘ll visit tomorrow to analyse the causes of this predatory behaviour and will document the same in the form of a case study.

7. District police has activated multiple channels of reporting to trace the movement of such dogs and prevent further attacks on children.

All animal welfare organizations and animal lovers/activists are invited to Sitapur to see the efforts being made by district administration with due compliance of animal rights and related legislations and rulings of the Hon’able Supreme Court.

All correspondence may be directed to the forest/veterinary and revenue department of the district for clarification.

Sheetal Verma
DM Sitapur


Notices are being sent to DM of Sitapur by animal activists like Mr. Amit Chaudhery  and Mr. Rishidev


Smt. Sheetal Verma

District Magistrate – Sitapur

Sitapur 261001

Uttar Pradesh







Caution & Correctional Notice

Without Prejudice


This is in reference to information received from members of the public and newspaper reports that self-styled vigilante groups have been allowed and abetted by the local administration to indiscriminately kill stray dogs in Sitapur. More than 100 dogs have been sadistically and brutally killed in the last few days. The killing continues and is encouraged on the false allegation of children being killed by dogs. This is completely incorrect because reportedly subsequent investigations point towards attacks on these children by wild animals and not dogs. Moreover for decades these semi-domesticated dogs have caused no harm.


Against this, the undersigned, are putting you to notice that your actions not excluding the above and including directly/remotely influencing people, government bodies, to act against dogs that are under protection of the Hon’ble Supreme Court, instigating mass hysteria against dogs, acting in contravention to strict interim orders by the apex court amount to contempt and a possible jail term of five years with compounded fine as per law. You may also note that in addition to contempt proceedings, you will also be liable for separate prosecution under:

1.Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act


2.IPC 428, 429

3.Penalties under Violation of Department of Personnel & Training, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions, Government of India, memorandum entitled ‘Prevention of Cruelty to Animals – Guidelines” dated May 26, 2006 (F. No. 30/9/2006-WELFARE).


4. As a government servant, you are obliged to abide by the All India Service Rules which enjoin you to observe and not violate the directive principles of state policy.


You are hereby put to notice that:

The undersigned are co-petitioners in the ongoing matter before the Hon’ble Supreme Court rulings dated January 24, 2009 (Animal Welfare Board of India Vs People For the Elimination of Stray Dogs, Record of Proceedings 265025) Vide SLP (C) 691/2009 and hereby consider it their duty to inform and warn you of the legal consequences of this action initiated by you.

1. Your actions are autonomous and in contempt of the Hon’ble Supreme Court. In 2009 the Animal Welfare Board of India (AWBI) had, in detail, submitted before the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India deficiencies of the Municipal Acts all across the country. AWBI detailed how these local bodies violate central acts and constitutional rights of animals and humans. Following the initial arguments, the hon’ble judge stayed the implementation of contestable aspects of the local government/

municipal acts all across the country, that deal with dogs. Since the municipal and other acts don’t distinguish between pets, strays, semi-adopted (no classification) dogs, the stay applies to all rules associated with dogs, in this particular case. Hence, this case is sub-judice in the apex court.


You may further note that the hon’ble bench vide a series of interim orders between 2015 and 2016 reiterated this stay order so that no confusion remains and has thus categorically restricted all from implementing whole or parts of state acts that concern dogs (strays as well as pets) until the hon’ble court announces final judgment on grave conflict matters related to constitutionality of the central acts. The same bench has restricted all States via their Chief Secretaries, to refrain the state from taking any measures that conflict with rights of dogs as well as violate central acts and provisions of the constitution. Even the Hon’ble High Courts of every state have been restricted against entertaining any PIL related to dogs.

2. Until the time conflicts with the law are sorted out, amending a stayed act is illegal.

3. In addition to this, another case, Civil Appeal No. 5387 of 2014 & SLP 11686 of 2007, via the final judgment, has detailed the five rights of animals that cannot be violated by any by-law, rule. That order also mentions how municipal acts/ laws that violate any of these rights should be considered annulled and cannot cause subjugation of rights of animals and animal owners/lovers/caregivers.

4. As per many other Hon’ble High Courts of India, dogs are companion animals, are a part of family/community. There are also orders that substantiate the same and save them from any discrimination, including right to use property, space, etc. Imposing restrictions on community dogs/pets violates the fundamental rights of citizens and directive principles of state policy, besides violating rulings of all the several courts.

5. In a country beset by widespread crime and lumpen violence, with frequently dysfunctional administrative machinery such mobs running free with the connivance of the district administration is of serious concern and you as a public functionary are answerable and culpable.

6. This move by you has created panic and acute pain to compassionate citizens across the country. Social friction induced by your action will become the reason for community conflict. This would clearly increase daily level conflict and create additional unmanageable law and order situations.


It is hereby conveyed, that your attempted actions are illegal, impractical, and dangerous

Therefore, you are put to notice to immediately restrain from such activities till the time the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India gives its final judgment in this matter. If you persist with this action, we will be compelled to initiate contempt proceeding against you. You are further informed that this notice is without prejudice to the rights and contentions of all the animal lovers/activists to take appropriate action against you in the appropriate court/courts of law and you will personally be liable for cost and consequences there upon.




Amit Chaudhery | Rishi Dev

Chittaranjan Park

New Delhi 110 019


Copy :


1. Chairman, Animal Welfare Board of India (AWBI/2015/09A)

2.Legal Counsel & Member of the Board, AWBI (FILE # 12/099/a-UP)

3.Court Reader/Office of Hon’ble Justice Deepak Mishra, Hon’ble Supreme Court of India (Pending contempt prosecution).

4.Shri Rajiv Kumar, Chief Secretary, Government of Uttar Pradesh & Principal Resident Commissioner U.P. Lal Bahadur Shastri Bhawan, Lucknow 226 001 csup@nic.in

5.Shri Yogi Aditiyanath, Hon’ble Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh Lal Bahadur Shastri Bhawan, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh – 226001 cmup@nic.in

DM Sitapur : Reminder I 
1.Kindly note that ref our notice (attached) in our capacity as petitioners to the on-going case in the Hon’ble Supreme Court, we have not received any response from you, while you have reportedly been quick in issuing press releases deflecting the onus to the veterinary and forest departments absolving yourself of any responsibility. 
2.In view of your claims in the reported press release(s), kindly see the attached photographs which clearly show lumpen criminal elements on the loose, bearing weapons, forming mobs and brutally killing dogs in the district during the previous week, illegally. This includes newspaper reports, more of which are being collated besides other evidence proving complicity and abettment in this illegal killing and multiple violations of the law including IPC 166 and 217 : Public Servant Disobeying Direction of the Law.
3.In responding  to the notice in question (below) you may like to explain what action has been taken by you with regards to point two above. 
Kindly note that no further reminders will be sent. In the absence of a plausible answer on action taken, we will move court against you.

By pegasus

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