One must definitely give applause to Mr Prakash Javadekar for his hard work as commerce and industry minister. While India is suffering immensely due to the coronavirus pandemic, he is ensuring that our industries and commerce return to its stable state as soon as possible… is a tweet from his respected self as proof. 


{source}<blockquote class=”twitter-tweet”><p lang=”en” dir=”ltr”>I chaired the meeting of Standing Committee of NBWL today through VC and approved wildlife clearance for number of developmental project proposals submitted by 11 States.<a href=””>@PIB_India</a> <a href=””>@MIB_India</a> <a href=””>@moefcc</a></p>&mdash; Prakash Javadekar (@PrakashJavdekar) <a href=””>April 7, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src=”” charset=”utf-8″></script>{/source}



……..but wait a minute, I know I have been called stupid by intelligent animal haters, politicians, meat-eaters etc so many times and I don’t want to deny their birthright in feeling that they are taller by standing on my shoulders but isn’t Mr Javedkar our Minister of Environment, Forest and Climate Change? Then I wonder, what is he doing about the lakhs of thirsty, hungry stray and community animals roaming around towns and cities because all markets and shops are now closed?

Well, people, your guess is as good as mine…but let’s not ask too many questions because now the govt has given itself the unchecked power to shut anyone down and arrest them in the name of controlling false news.

How dare you question the govt???? Off with his head.



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