Dear Sir/Madam,
Not just animal lovers and activists, but every sane individual is extremely concerned at the tendency of your channel to broadcast ethically unacceptable and illegal content repeatedly. In the last instance, Mrs. Maneka Gandhi had to intervene before animal abuse in one of your “reality shows” was stopped. in the latest instance (for which you would have received mails from people), a poor dog is being harassed in yet another inane reality show, the link to which is :
Kindly be informed that this violates the Constitution of India, Article 51 (a) Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act (1960) and Indian Penal Code, Sections 428,429 in addition to promoting cruelty. Please stop this objectionable and illegal show with immediate effect, failing which, we will initiate prosecution under law and also approach the Ministry of information & Broadcasting for punitive action. Animals cannot be abused to secure commercial TRPs of channels without any sense of judgement or integrity. No further call to caution will be sent.

Amit Chaudhery

Journalist, Naturalist & Activist

President, People For Animals

Ministry of Environment & Forests
Government of India
Nominee to IAECs

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