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Date: Fri, 28 Jan 2011 19:51:46 -0800
From: sdgsdg00@yahoo.com
Subject: Dog meat – Kollam, Kerala



Kollam : In a shocking incident, a large number of severed heads of dogs have been found in a garbage dumping area at Thattamala, prompting the authorities to order an investigation to find out whether dog meat ended up in the local eateries.

Officials of the city corporation told UNI that their health wing had already started an investigation into the matter.

”It is a serious matter because eating dog meat is considered a taboo by the local people,” said Kollam Corporation member George.

An employee, working in an automobile workshop in the area, informed the incident to the Coproration officials yesterday who in turn began an inquiry on the issue. About 70 severed heads of dogs were found from Thattamala area, which was known for slaughter houses. The area was thickly populated by migrant employees from the North-East state.

”It is suspected that the dogs were killed somewhere else and their heads were dumped in the area,” Mr George said.

Ramesh Amala Srinivasan
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