Animal Lover beaten up for helping dogs
This is to inform you and others on this mailing list that Ayesha Christina (some of you have met her) was brutally assaulted in a place called Signature colony in…
Compassion is the only religion
This is to inform you and others on this mailing list that Ayesha Christina (some of you have met her) was brutally assaulted in a place called Signature colony in… above link is the HINDU news page Supreme court has come to the rescue of our buddy four legged animals. Thank God for their wisdom 😀 . If it… Give the stray dogs a bad name, and then hype up the hysteria that already prevails against them. This gives a boost to the demand for their mass killing…
Animal india Aid Udaipur rescued a pup from a well. Lovely video must see.
Dear All Yesterday many NCR based animal NGOs involved in the ABC/ Rescue/Rehabilitation/medical assistance held a meeting at JNU lawns. It was very kind of Gen. Kharb, Chairperson Animal Welfare…
Dogs were being picked up randomly from NDMC area due to Obama’s visit and Republic day parade. Mr Amit sent the NDMC chief hoping to remind him of the laws.…
Stray Dog Befriends Trekkers and Follows Them for 430 Miles Read more: When a group of Swedish hikers fed a stray dog a treat, little did they know that…
Well, life for animal lovers is not at all easy at the North Close, Nirvana Country. So far: – Strays were being beaten and dumped by the security guards employed…
I thought its time I let you people know that on 27th night I lost my first and most innocent baby Ginger to renal failure. She was the reason why… a nice article on my friend saptrashi who takes care of around 220 dogs. On a lazy afternoon, after dodging the extremely frustrating traffic jam, for 45 minutes, which…