Bombay high Court Order
The Bombay High Court's judgement has been highly misinterpreted by most people and consciencly by BMC so that they can do what they want. The term "nuisance" has also been…
Compassion is the only religion
The Bombay High Court's judgement has been highly misinterpreted by most people and consciencly by BMC so that they can do what they want. The term "nuisance" has also been… have a look ..interesting and ya this is equally important..not that it will help much but …whatever This email message is sent to you from to confirm your…
Nice website for stray dogs. have a look
here is a message I posted on this blog 6.5 billion people causing wars, havoc and global warming are the cause for the future desctruction of this planet which…
This is exactly why this singer turned actress (no matter how under talented in both) completely turns me off. Please go through the link below. On another low key… I have always been very much against the forest and tribal act . It will spell complete doom for us and simply fill the pockets of the politicians. please…
I know I havent been online for a long time. Thats coz I am trying to earn money to keep the website running hehe. Today I found a very injured…
The only thing one should ever test on an animal —- T SHIRTS
Firstly lets start with Birds. According to TOI there is a peahen that has laid eggs at IIC in New Delhi and the staff are trying their best not to…
According to Hindustan Times and our own sources we confirm that two stray dogs in East Of Kailash were badly treated on a regular basis by the residents of East…