Resident Welfare Associations spreading fake news saying that dogs and cats can cause COVID is a violation of the Disaster Management Act 2005. Strict action will be taken against such misinformation by the Government of India.
From: “Smt. Maneka Gandhi” <>
Date: 12 April 2020 at 1:21:13 PM IST
Subject: Re:  Fake rumours
Please put this on the facebook for the community immediately
Under The Fake New Act and the Disaster Management Act , it is illegal to spread Fake News. It has been proven conclusively that animals do not get or give Corona virus. Therefore this is deliberate fake news put with malicious intent. The arrest is non bailable and the punishment is more than a year in jail. I will send you the Acts. I will complain about XXXXXXXXXXX to the Principal Director General PIB who is in charge of taking action on this Act . His name is Kuldeep Singh Datwalia and his email is

“Under Section 428 / 429 anyone propagating violence against animals and committing violence will be arrested under a non baliable warrant and the pun ishment is 3 years in jail. Anyone on the facebook propagating stone throwing will be forwarded to the police station for immediate action. This facebook is being monitored so if these posts are not off it in an hour action will be taken

Maneka Sanjay Gandhi
Chairperson People for Animals
14 Ashoka Road
New Delhi 110001

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