Severe animal abuse by GHMC which also flouts all rules of ABC(Animal Birth Control) The dog pounds maintained by GHMC are hellish slaughter houses for Dogs.
1. No Identification procedure for dogs picked up.
2. Dog catching with ropes which severely injures the dogs. Improper handling of dogs while removing them from van and loading into cages is also causing severe injuries to dogs.
3. No register or records of any kind are maintained.
4. 10 to 15 Dogs Crammed into Cages meant with no space to move or sleep.
5. The cages are mesh type which severely hurts the feet of the Dogs
6. .No water or food provided. If provided it is done only one time a day and not even sufficient for a single dog.
7. Many dogs are dying due to infections and starvation. The Starved dogs sometimes eat dead ones or puppies.
8. Pups and Whelping Mothers with puppies are caught. The puppies are at high risk of infections due to diseases prevailing in unhygienic conditions of the pound.
9. Puppies as old as 2 or 3 month old are caught and sterilized.
10. Due to severe starvation and conditions existing in these pounds, the dogs are mentally traumatized.
11. The medical equipments and environment is not sterile. Sometimes, the operated dogs have improper surgeries because of which they have blood and intestines are seen coming out of their bodies. The SOPs of ABC are clearly not followed. There are situations were Dogs are operated by helping staff.
12. A very less number may be 5 or 6 sterilizations are done per day.
13. While puppies which are 2 or 3 months are seen operated, most of the adult dogs are witnessed for weeks without being operated. Due to
14. Unhygienic infected environment prevalent in Dog Pounds which is source of many diseases.
15. Some dogs are kept as showcase dogs. Most of these operated and non-operated dogs never get released in their lifetime. They either starve to death or die because of any disease.
16. Illegal euthanization of healthy dogs
17. No dog is receives medical help despite being sick or injured.
18. Dog not suitable for sterilizations are euthanized or stay till they die due to disease or starvation
19. Pedigreed Dogs are caught without verify whether they are abandoned. They are sold to breeders or stay in pounds till they die.
20. No proper Segregation of diseased, operated and non- operated dogs into separate cages. Sometimes rabid dogs are kept in same cages with healthy dogs.
21. .Dogs with skin infections receive no medical treatment and are euthanized.
22. The release percentage of dogs is very less. Most of the operated dogs are diseased and in severe trauma due to prolonged stay.
23. Stray pig and even piglets are caught and euthanized or sold to pork shops.
24. Dozens of monkeys are crammed into Cages meant for Dogs.
25. Pilferage in food and medicines meant for animals